Hillsborough County Parent Resource Page
In Hillsborough County Public schools, they are committed to providing a wide-variety of high-quality educational options, programs and services for students and families. As a parent, you play a critical role in this process. Their goal is to guide and empower families to become collaborative, effective advocates for their child with special needs by providing information and support to promote academic and social success in school and within the community.
They hope that you will use this information to get connected to information on topics ranging from the student handbook and information on enrolling your child to newsletters and parent training opportunities. For more information, click on the link below.
Exceptional Student Eligibility Information from the Florida DOE
The Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services supports school districts and others in their efforts to provide exceptional student education programs for students ages 3 - 21 who have disabilities and students who are gifted. Each school district is responsible for providing services to students who are eligible for exceptional student education (ESE) programs. For more information, click on the link below.